Dr. Matthias Hüsgen on the question »How does a brand strategy become a brand experience?« at the Faculty of Economics at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, run in cooperation with Ingolstadt Business School
B8 @ WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
As part of the MBA lecture series »Brand and Price Management«, Dr. Matthias Hüsgen delivered a lecture to international students following an invitation by Prof. Dr. Martin Fassnacht at the WHU campus in Düsseldorf on September 29, 2013
First Vodafone flagship store looks back on a successful first year in business
One year ago Vodafone opened its first flagship store in Cologne with the aim of translating the brand promise into a total customer experience. The story of success after one year: Revenue nearly doubled compared to other Vodafone shops
When ideas must get under ones skin
Defining and fulfilling a brand promise is a strategic corporate goal, in the cosmetics sector as much as anywhere else: Especially the brand experience at the point of sale (POS) must support the brand promise ideally
B8 @ International School of Management
Dr. Matthias Hüsgen, Managing Partner at Blackeight GmbH, gave a lecture at the International School of Management (ISM) in Munich on June 6, 2013. The topic of the presentation was »Successful brand management needs a clear, accepted and feasible strategy«
Blackeight reflects upon it’s first year in business
One year after its formation, Blackeight Brand Sparring Partner GmbH takes stock for the first time at its location in Munich. Armin Schlamp and Dr. Matthias Hüsgen founded the brand and strategy consultancy. The managing partners employ seven consultants and won five new clients in the last year
Visiting the ISM in Munich
Matthias Hüsgen and ISM alumni Felix Lente (KMS TEAM) visited the International School of Management in Munich on April 25, 2012. They presented their respective companies, as well as gave exciting insights about brand strategy and brand consulting
Point of Brand Experience
The point of sale is the focal point for successful companies in brand experience. Even though the frequently used term »shopper marketing« seems to be putting the customer at the heart of operations, it’s the next steps that really matter: The desired brand experience and the corresponding brand strategy is decisive for determing the point of sale, choosing which products and services to offer as well as the behaviour of employees